
Monday, 30 July 2012

Industry Dominant Traits of US Major Home Appliances

Economies of Scale

All the major home appliance manufacturers were trying to gain economies of scale by renovating and building production facilities in order to improve quality and reduce material costs.

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

What is Business Finance

Business finance refers to money and credit employed in business. Finance is the base of business. It is required to purchase assets and for the flow of economic activities. It is infact the life blood and nerve centre of commercial and industrial enterprises. Business finance may be defined as the provision of money at the time when it is needed by a business.

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Literature Review on Mutual Funds

A study was conducted by Grinblatt and Titman (1989) to examine the superior stock selection abilities of mutual fund managers through which researcher generated abnormal returns. For this purpose a sample of 274 funds was taken from 1974 to1984. Study applied Jensen Measure and compared the abnormal returns of active and passive investment strategies both with and without transaction costs, fees, and expenses. The results showed that the actual returns of these funds do not exhibit abnormal performance indicating that investors cannot take advantage of the superior abilities of these portfolio managers by purchasing shares in the mutual funds.

Friday, 13 July 2012

Key Success Factors of Perrigo Company

Critical success factor (CSF), term was first used in business and data analysis world; it is also known as Key success factor (KSF). Key success factors are the combination of features that are important for a project or company to achieve its objectives or mission and progressing towards the vision. These are critical activities or factors required for ensuring the success of an organization or a company. These critical factors must be needed the continual and special attention of the manager or organization to ensure success and to bring high performance.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Thursday, 5 July 2012

SWOT Analysis of Perrigo Company 2014

Perrigo is a one of the leading multinational healthcare company that manufactures and distributes consumer products, nutritional products, OTC and prescription pharmaceuticals and active pharmaceutical ingredients (API).  The Perrigo is the globes' leading manufacturer and distributor of OTC pharmaceutical items for the store brand market. Its primary manufacturing facilities, network of location and markets are as follows are the United Kingdom (UK), United States, Mexico and the Israel. Here is the SWOT analysis of Perrigo Company.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Supply Chain Management Thesis Topics

  • Barriers to implement green supply chain management in manufacturing industries
  • Barriers of low radio frequency identification (RFID) implementation in supply chain
  • Business to business e-procurement: success factors and challenges to implementation in (any country)
  • Critical success factors of quality management in supply chain

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Disadvantages of Advertising

A business produces goods for selling them at a profit. In order to stay in the market and earn profit, it does not use one simple tool or instrument for pushing its sales. It unites a set of strategies to grasp profit through customers’ satisfaction. It has been universally accepted that advertising is an important tool of marketing of products.