
Monday, 23 November 2015

Research Methods and How to Conduct a Research

Materials and Methods

The investigations were carried out to evaluate the 'Yield performance of wheat under various management practices' conducted at student's farm, department of Agronomy, Sindh Agriculture university, Tandojam during 1982-83.

The detail of treatments under study were as under:

I. Herbicide:             Two

           H1          =    Treated with Buctril -M

           H2          =    Untreated.

II. Irrigation Levels:  Two

           I1           =     Three Irrigation.

           I2           =      Four Irrigation.

III. Fertilizer Levels:  Three

           F1           =     100-50      Kg   NP/ha

           F2           =     150-75      Kg   NP/ha

           F3           =     200-100      Kg   NP/ha

The experiment was laid out in split plot design with replications. The ultimate plot size was 9X6 meters. The layout of experiment is given as appendix I.

Land Preparation and Method of Sowing

The experimental plot was prepared in the month of late October 1982. Normal field operations were carried out as per recommendation of agriculture department. Soaking dose was given on 7th November 1982. Sowing was done by single Coulter hand drill on 11.11.1982. Full dose of phosphorus and half dose of N was applied at the time of sowing and remaining half dose N was applied at the time of first irrigation. irrigation water was given to experiment as per treatments and herbicide (Buctril-M) was also applied as per the treatments after three days of first irrigation.

The crop was harvested on 30.03.1983. Before harvesting the ticketed plants from each plot were pulled out and labelled for single plant study. After drying the wheat was threshed and grains were weighted separately. 

Observations Recorded    

1.  Plant height

2.  Number of tillers per square meter.

3.  Length of ear-head.

4.  Number of spike-lets per ear-head.

5.  Number of grains per ear-head

6.  Weight of grains of selected ten plants.

7.  Biological weight of plants per meter square.

8.  Weight of grains per square meter.

9.  1000 grain weight per square meter.

10. Yield per plot/hectare.

Analysis of Variance

Statistical method appropriate to split plot design was used to analysis the data. The usual analysis of variance for comprising various treatments and treatment combinations were carried out and the analysis of variance of different observations are given in the appendices.

Sunday, 22 November 2015

How To Write a Acknowlegement in Report


There are many different ways to write a acknowledgement in a thesis or any report, here is one of the example:


                      Praise to the Almighty Allah, omni present, omni potent, omni scient who bestowed upon me the potential and ability to accomplish the text of work, presented in this volume. 

                      In acknowledging the most beneficence guidance, the human treatment and a thorough study of what forms the text of this thesis, the author is beholden with a deep dept of gratitude and submittion which is so well deserved by MR. ABDUL MAJEED A, KUMBHAR, Assistant professor of Agronomy, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam in his capacity as his teacher and guide. But for his benevolent guidance and keen sense of interest the work would hardly have found its fulfilment.

                      It fives great pleasure to the author in expressing great debt of sincerest gratitude to Agha Karamullah, professor and chairman, department of Agronomy, Dr. Umed Ali Buriro, Dr. Ghulam Hyder Jamro, assistant professors of Agronomy and Dr. Ghulam Hussain Memon associate professor of Agricultural chemistry Sindh agriculture university Tandojam. For their generous suggestions, encouragement, constructive criticism, sympathetic treatment and expert suggestions during the writing and compilation of this manuscript or thesis.

                      The but not the least , the author is also thankful to the people who directly or indirectly helped him out, i.e. student, teachers relatives and finally thanks to Mr. Abdul Hakim Soomro for patience and care in typing.

This is one of the sample of writing acknowledgement, you can write in your way just taking little bit help from this sample. This acknowledgement was written thirty two yeras ago. Now english language has changed significantly.

Consumer Behavior and Customer Buying Behavior

Consumer Behavior or Customer Buying Behavior

Definition :- Consumer behavior is defined as the study of individual consumers, groups, and organizations and the process through which they choose, buy, use, and discard products, services, or experiences.
The study of Consumer Behavior blends Psychology, Sociology, Social anthropology, marketing and economics. It attempts to understand the decision-making processed of buyers to buy the product.


Six Stages to the Consumer Buying Decision Process (For complex decisions). Actual purchasing is only one stage of the process. Not all decision processes lead to a purchase. All consumer decisions do not always include all 6 stages, determined by the degree of complexity...discussed next.
The 6 stages are:

     1.  Problem Recognition (awareness of need) : - The Consumer should have a need of a product. If there is no need, then the consumer will not buy the product. For example :- If you are hungry then that state will stimulate your need to eat, but if you are not hungry then you will not have any desire to buy food or eat it.
It can be stimulated by the marketer through product information. For example :- You see a commercial of a new pair of shoes, then that will stimulate your need to buy new pair of shoes.
2. Information Search :-
The Consumer will search of the information he/she has for the product. The first type of information search is Internal Search. The Consumer will use his/her memory to get information about the product. And the second type of information search is External Search. The Consumer will search for more information about the product from Friends and Relatives, (words of mouth), comparison shopping, public sources, etc. A successful information search leaves a buyer with possible alternatives. the Evoked Set.
For Example :- You are Hungry, want to go out and eat, Evoked Set is,
1. Fast Food or Junk food
2.  Bar B.Q
3. Typical Pakistani food etc.
3. Evaluation of Alternatives:-
In this stage, the buyer ranks the product according to his/her need. For example :- You may decide to eat some spicy food, then from the above mentioned Evoked Set, the Second one, Bar B.Q takes the highest rank etc. If the consumer is not satisfied, then he/she will go back to search phase and will try to find other alternatives.

4. Purchase Decision:-

Choose Buying alternative, includes product, store, package, method of purchase etc.

5. Purchase:-

There should be some time lapse between the 4th and 5th stage. It may differ from The decision.

6. Post-Purchase Evaluation :-

In this stage the buyer is satisfied or dissatisfied. Cognitive dissonance, he/she will think that has he/she made the right decision. It can be reduced by warranties, after sales communication etc.


The types of consumer buying behavior is determined by  the Level of Involvement in the purchase decision. Importance and intensity of interest in a product in a particular situation.
For Example : - High-Involvement purchases :- Motorbike, Car, High priced goods, products visible to others, etc. The higher the risk, the higher the involvement. There are three types of risks, and they are:-'
1. Personal Risk
2. Social Risk
3. Economic Risk
There are four types of Consumer Buying Behavior.
The four types of Consumer Buying Behavior
1. Routine Response/ Programmed Behavior:-
    Buying low involvement items, needs very little information search and very little decision making process. For example:- buying Soft Drinks, Milk etc.
2. Limited Decision Making:-
This Behaviour comes when purchasing items occasionally, and have a very little information about the brand, but have a good information about the class. Requires a moderate time for information search. Examples include Clothes, etc.
3. Extensive Decision Making :
Purchasing High Involvement products. In this type, the buyer has to go through all the six stages of buying. Need to spend a lot of time in information gathering.  High Degree of economic/personal/Social risks. For example :- Cars, Motobikes, Homes, computers, Education.
4. Impulse Buying:-
No conscious planning. Just to buy a product suddenly because of just one need.

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Importance of Social Media in Marketing or Promotion

Concept of the marketing changing over the time since existence of the universe. The business, entity or local business does not survive without marketing. Marketing of twenty first century has been changing over time, I believe marketing has shift from professionalism to occasionally. This is now; not only profession, because every business's success completely depends upon marketing.

All the corporation are using innovation ways of promotion, such as employing famous personalities, vulgar means of speaking, which is not acceptable in the society. But still peoples are going for such products, because it is the thinking of twenty second century.

Factors of Twenty Second Century Marketing

1. Effective

Social marketing has great effect on target audience, because you can easily find your target audience.

2. Being Vulgar

Being vulgar is important for this century marketing, wearing short cloths, using degrade or conflicted  personalities.

3. Using Double Meaning Words or Sentences

Public enjoy the double meaning words more than the ethical words, these words arouse all the audiences' emotions, nasty meanings, spirits and audience also discuss over the words and laugh thoroughly. One most important thing, it remains more than the targeted time.

4. Pictures

Using Pictures with emotion arousal stuff such as models with six packs without shirts, female models with bikinis and vulgar style clothing create pivotal impression.